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SSCCL wishes everyone a very

Happy Thanksgiving 


Latest News

Some CO2 related publications


Congratulations Ashutosh for the recent publication in Chem. Mater


Thermal and Pressure-Dependent Lattice Dynamics of TlBiSe2 and Its Chromium-Doped Variants

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JNCASR is proud to establish National Centre for Carbon Capture and Utilization (NCCCU), a Centre of Excellence in the field of CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage, supported by DST India.

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About us

The group focuses on the Design and development of inorganic materials  for CO2 capture and reduction to value added chemicals (methanol, ethanol, DME, CH4, olefines), catalysts for Fuel Cell and water splitting, electrodes for energy storage (batteries) and catalysts for the important industrial organic reactions. The group also concentrates the synthesis of novel intermetallic compounds and discovers its novel magnetic and transport properties. The team also translates the fundamental research on CO2 reduction to the industry through its own start-up Breathe Applied Sciences Pvt Ltd.

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